
Articles are a core part of Jarside. On this page, we'll dive into the different article endpoints you can use to manage articles programmatically. We'll look at how to query and create articles.

The article model

The contact model contains all the information about your contacts, such as their username, avatar, and phone number. It also contains a reference to the conversation between you and the contact and information about when they were last active on Protocol.



  • Name

    Unique identifier for the article.

  • Name

    The article title.

  • Name

    The article content in HTML.

  • Name

    The article language code. Example: 'fr'

  • Name

    The article slug. Only present if it is an article linked to a website

  • Name

    The article status. Useful only if the article is linked to a website.

  • Name

    The Wordpress post id. Only present if it is an article linked to a website.

  • Name

    The Wordpress post permalink. Only present if it is an article linked to a website.

  • Name

    Total credits used to generate this article

  • Name

    Version of GPT used for this article. Example: gpt-4

  • Name

    Total words generated for this article

  • Name

    Timestamp of when the article was created.

  • Name

    Article publication date. Only present if it is an article linked to a website.

  • Name

    Website linked to this Article. Only present if it is an article linked to a website.

  • Name

    Category linked to this Article. Only present if it is an article linked to a website and has a category.

  • Name

    Article resource creation date.


Gives information about the status of the article.

Possible values :

ValueWhat it means
in_progressGeneration is in progress
not_enough_creditsYou don't have enough credits
daily_limit_reachedDaily limit reached. You can increase it for free by contacting us
errorAn error occurred during generation. Try again


List all articles

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a paginated list of all your generated articles by Jarside. By default, a maximum of 20 articles are shown per page.

Optional attributes

  • Name

    Allows you to choose the page


curl -G \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
  -d page=1


    "data": [
            "data": {
                "uuid": "f73610ee-e7a0-414d-b715-cae69644c385",
                "title": "The Return of Diablo IV: What to Expect",
                "content": "<p>The return of Diablo IV is an exciting prospect for many longtime fans of the series. Blizzard Entertainment's fourth installment in the popular action role-playing game franchise promises to bring a new level of depth to what has already been an incredibly successful and beloved series. Players can expect a darker and more sinister atmosphere, with an even greater emphasis on character customization and exploration. The world will be filled with creatures, dungeons, and quests that will challenge even veteran players. Additionally, the game will feature a unique skill system that allows players to customize their characters in unique ways.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Players can also expect some significant changes from previous entries in the series such as improved graphics, new classes and skills, updated items, cooperative multiplayer gameplay options and much more. In addition to these features Diablo IV will introduce some brand new content including raid bosses which are sure to provide hours of intense battles for those who seek them out. With all these additions it looks like this upcoming entry into the long-running franchise is sure to be one of its most exciting yet!</p>\r\n\r\n<h2>Diablo IV: A Return to the Dark Fantasy World</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>Diablo IV is set to be the latest installment in Blizzard Entertainment's long-running dark fantasy series. Set in a world of demons and angels, Diablo IV promises to bring gamers back into a time of horror and adventure. The game will feature an open-world environment that players can explore, with dynamic weather systems and day/night cycles adding to the atmosphere. Players will be able to choose from five playable classes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Players will also have access to powerful loot drops as they progress through the game's story campaign. With new dungeons, bosses, and characters added regularly throughout its lifespan, Diablo IV looks set to become one of the most immersive RPG experiences on offer today.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The return of Diablo is sure to excite longtime fans of this beloved franchise who have been waiting for years for a new entry into this dark fantasy world. From what has been revealed so far about Diablo IV it appears that Blizzard has listened closely to feedback from fans over the years in order create an experience that captures all elements which made previous entries in the series great while also bringing something completely fresh and new for everyone involved; whether you're a veteran or just starting out on your journey through Sanctuary you're sure not be disappointed!</p>\r\n\r\n<h2>What Players Can Expect from the Next Installment of Diablo</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>Diablo is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history, and fans are eagerly awaiting the next installment. Players can expect a few new features, as well as some old favorites. The game will likely feature an expansive world with plenty of exploration opportunities and intense action-packed combat. Players will be able to choose from a variety of classes and create their own unique character to explore the world with. Additionally, players can expect more dynamic loot systems that reward players for taking risks and exploring further into the game's depths.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The story is also expected to be even more engaging than before, as it dives deeper into Diablo's lore while still providing plenty of mysteries to uncover along the way. Players may also find themselves facing off against powerful enemies that require careful tactics in order to defeat them successfully. New enemies may also bring about some unique challenges for players who are looking for something different from traditional Diablo experiences.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Additionally, there will likely be many new ways for players to customize their characters by unlocking special abilities or items that provide stat boosts or other benefits when used properly in battle scenarios. This could include things like new armor sets or weapons with special effects that give an edge over opponents during battles or quests within the game world itself.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Finally, Blizzard has promised additional content on launch day such as bonus levels and missions which should keep gamers busy long after they've completed all existing content in Diablo IV's main storyline mode! With all these exciting additions coming out soon, fans have much reason to look forward to this upcoming release!</p>\r\n\r\n",
                "language": "en",
                "slug": null,
                "status": 0,
                "wordpress_id": null,
                "wordpress_permalink": null,
                "credits_used": 3,
                "openai_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
                "total_words": 835,
                "published_at": null,
                "website": null,
                "category": null,
                "created_at": "2023-02-15 16:01:08"
            "status": "generated"
            "data": {
                "uuid": "e91b0b96-89da-4278-bef2-3c3e3cf239e1",
                "title": "Vive les bonbons",
                "content": "<p>Les bonbons sont un élément incontournable de la vie de tout enfant et font partie intégrante du plaisir des grandes occasions. Qu'il s'agisse d'un anniversaire, d'une fête ou même juste pour le plaisir, les bonbons sont toujours là pour apporter une note sucrée à nos journées. De plus en plus de personnes viennent à apprécier les bonbons pour leurs saveurs variées et leur goût unique qui peut satisfaire n’importe quel palais. Dans cet article, nous allons parler des différents types de bonbons et découvrir ce qui rend ce produit si populaire auprès des consommateurs du monde entier. Vive les bonbons !</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Les bonbons, une véritable friandise</h2>\n\n<p>Les bonbons sont un délice pour les petits et les grands. Les enfants s'en régalent particulièrement, mais pas seulement. En effet, qui n'a jamais eu envie de croquer dans une friandise sucrée ? Les bonbons représentent une véritable friandise qui ravit le palais des plus gourmands. Que ce soit à l’occasion d’un anniversaire ou simplement pour le plaisir de se faire plaisir, on adore tous ces petites douceurs !</p>\n\n<p>Les saveurs sont infinies et il y en a pour tous les goûts : fraise, caramel, menthe… Et quand on commence à en manger un, difficile de s'arrêter ! On ne peut que succomber à la tentation des couleurs chatoyantes et des textures variées. Quoi qu’il arrive, on est toujours heureux de recevoir un sachet rempli de ces délicieuses sucreries.</p>\n\n<p>En plus d’être très appréciés par les papilles gustatives du monde entier, les bonbons font partie intégrante du patrimoine culturel français et ont su traverser les siècles sans prendre une ride. Aujourd'hui encore ils continuent à ravir petits et grands avec leur incroyable diversité gustative et visuelle !</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Les avantages de manger des bonbons</h2>\n\n<p>Les bonbons sont un moyen savoureux et peu coûteux de satisfaire notre envie de sucre. En plus d'être délicieux, ils sont extrêmement pratiques à transporter et à consommer. Ils offrent également des avantages nutritionnels, car ils contiennent des vitamines et des minéraux qui peuvent être bénéfiques pour la santé. De plus, les bonbons peuvent aider à réduire le stress en augmentant le taux de dopamine dans le cerveau.</p>\n\n<p>Les bonbons contiennent également des antioxydants qui aident à protéger l'organisme contre les radicaux libres nocifs et les maladies liées au vieillissement. Ils fournissent une source rapide d'énergie, ce qui est très utile lorsque vous manquez de temps pour prendre une collation nutritive entre les repas principaux. De plus, manger des bonbons permet aux personnes ayant un faible appétit ou souffrant d’une maladie chronique de se maintenir hydratée et nourrie sans trop se fatiguer ou trop se restreindre sur la quantité que l’on mange.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Comment choisir le bonbon idéal ?</h2>\n\n<p>Pour choisir le bonbon idéal, il est important de prendre en compte plusieurs facteurs. Tout d'abord, le goût est primordial : on peut préférer un bonbon sucré ou acidulé selon ses envies. Ensuite, la texture doit être considérée : certains aiment les bonbons mous et fondants tandis que d'autres préfèrent des morceaux croquants et juteux. Et enfin, bien sûr, l'aspect visuel compte également : les couleurs vives sont souvent très attractives !</p>\n\n<p>Une fois ces critères déterminés, il n'y a plus qu'à faire son choix parmi la multitude de variétés existantes ! On pourra opter pour des friandises classiques telles que les caramels ou les pâtes de fruits à la fraise ou encore se tourner vers des spécialités originales comme un assortiment exotique de dragibus aux saveurs inattendues. Quel que soit le bonbon finalement choisi, cela promet une dégustation riche en plaisirs gustatifs et visuels !</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Découvrez les différents types de bonbons !</h2>\n\n<p>Les bonbons sont un moyen délicieux de satisfaire les papilles des petits et des grands. Il existe un grand nombre de variétés de bonbons que l'on peut trouver dans le commerce. Les plus connus sont les caramels, les sucettes, les guimauves, et bien d'autres encore. Mais il y a également des variétés moins communes comme les bonbons au miel ou aux fruits exotiques qui se retrouvent dans certains magasins spécialisés ou sur internet.</p>\n\n<p>Les caramels sont certainement l'un des types de bonbons préférés par beaucoup : ils ont une texture douce et fondante en bouche qui ravit toutes sortes de consommateurs ! Les guimauves quant à elles ont une texture très unique : elles sont moelleuses et gorgées d’air pour former ce qu’on appelle souvent « la bulle ».</p>\n\n<p>Les sucettes quant à elles se déclinent en différents parfums et formes pour plaire aux goûts diversifiés des consommateurs : on peut trouver aussi bien des sucettes classiques en forme ronde, que celles plus originales en forme amusante ou encore ceux qui font office de collier !</p>\n\n<p>Enfin, pour contenter tous ceux qui recherchent quelque chose de vraiment différent on trouve également sur le marché un type relativement rare :les bonbons au miel ! Ces friandises sucré-salée ont une saveur unique agréablement relevée par du miel frais dont la saveur est vraiment inoubliable !</p>\n\n\n\n\n\n",
                "language": "fr",
                "slug": null,
                "status": 1,
                "wordpress_id": null,
                "wordpress_permalink": null,
                "credits_used": 2,
                "openai_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
                "total_words": 882,
                "published_at": null,
                "website": null,
                "category": null,
                "created_at": "2023-02-15 17:01:00"
            "status": "generated"
    "links": {
        "first": "",
        "last": null,
        "prev": null,
        "next": null
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "path": "",
        "per_page": 20,
        "to": 2


List all articles in queue

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a paginated list of all your articles in generation queue by Jarside. By default, a maximum of 20 articles are shown per page.

Optional attributes

  • Name

    Allows you to choose the page


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
  -d page=1 


  "data": [
          "data": {
              "uuid": "79cf5b79-0d66-4d3b-85c4-030a76123241",
              "keyword": "Limites da Inteligência Artificial",
              "title": "Explorando os limites da Inteligência Artificial: o que reserva o Futuro?",
              "language": "pt",
              "slug": null,
              "status": 1,
              "h2_count": 4,
              "need_bold": 0,
              "estimated_credits": 3,
              "not_enough_credits": 0,
              "generation_error": 0,
              "daily_limit_reached": 0,
              "start_generation_at": null,
              "website": null,
              "category": null
          "status": "pending"
  "links": {
      "first": "",
      "last": null,
      "prev": null,
      "next": null
  "meta": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "from": 1,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 20,
      "to": 2


Retrieve a article

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a article by providing their uuid. Refer to the list at the top of this page to see which properties are included with contact objects.


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"


    "data": {
        "uuid": "f73610ee-e7a0-414d-b715-cae69644c385",
        "title": "The Return of Diablo IV: What to Expect",
        "content": "<p>The return of Diablo IV is an exciting prospect for many longtime fans of the series. Blizzard Entertainment's fourth installment in the popular action role-playing game franchise promises to bring a new level of depth to what has already been an incredibly successful and beloved series. Players can expect a darker and more sinister atmosphere, with an even greater emphasis on character customization and exploration. The world will be filled with creatures, dungeons, and quests that will challenge even veteran players. Additionally, the game will feature a unique skill system that allows players to customize their characters in unique ways.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Players can also expect some significant changes from previous entries in the series such as improved graphics, new classes and skills, updated items, cooperative multiplayer gameplay options and much more. In addition to these features Diablo IV will introduce some brand new content including raid bosses which are sure to provide hours of intense battles for those who seek them out. With all these additions it looks like this upcoming entry into the long-running franchise is sure to be one of its most exciting yet!</p>\r\n\r\n<h2>Diablo IV: A Return to the Dark Fantasy World</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>Diablo IV is set to be the latest installment in Blizzard Entertainment's long-running dark fantasy series. Set in a world of demons and angels, Diablo IV promises to bring gamers back into a time of horror and adventure. The game will feature an open-world environment that players can explore, with dynamic weather systems and day/night cycles adding to the atmosphere. Players will be able to choose from five playable classes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Players will also have access to powerful loot drops as they progress through the game's story campaign. With new dungeons, bosses, and characters added regularly throughout its lifespan, Diablo IV looks set to become one of the most immersive RPG experiences on offer today.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The return of Diablo is sure to excite longtime fans of this beloved franchise who have been waiting for years for a new entry into this dark fantasy world. From what has been revealed so far about Diablo IV it appears that Blizzard has listened closely to feedback from fans over the years in order create an experience that captures all elements which made previous entries in the series great while also bringing something completely fresh and new for everyone involved; whether you're a veteran or just starting out on your journey through Sanctuary you're sure not be disappointed!</p>\r\n\r\n<h2>What Players Can Expect from the Next Installment of Diablo</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>Diablo is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history, and fans are eagerly awaiting the next installment. Players can expect a few new features, as well as some old favorites. The game will likely feature an expansive world with plenty of exploration opportunities and intense action-packed combat. Players will be able to choose from a variety of classes and create their own unique character to explore the world with. Additionally, players can expect more dynamic loot systems that reward players for taking risks and exploring further into the game's depths.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The story is also expected to be even more engaging than before, as it dives deeper into Diablo's lore while still providing plenty of mysteries to uncover along the way. Players may also find themselves facing off against powerful enemies that require careful tactics in order to defeat them successfully. New enemies may also bring about some unique challenges for players who are looking for something different from traditional Diablo experiences.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Additionally, there will likely be many new ways for players to customize their characters by unlocking special abilities or items that provide stat boosts or other benefits when used properly in battle scenarios. This could include things like new armor sets or weapons with special effects that give an edge over opponents during battles or quests within the game world itself.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Finally, Blizzard has promised additional content on launch day such as bonus levels and missions which should keep gamers busy long after they've completed all existing content in Diablo IV's main storyline mode! With all these exciting additions coming out soon, fans have much reason to look forward to this upcoming release!</p>\r\n\r\n",
        "language": "en",
        "slug": null,
        "status": 0,
        "wordpress_id": null,
        "wordpress_permalink": null,
        "credits_used": 3,
        "openai_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
        "total_words": 835,
        "published_at": null,
        "website": null,
        "category": null,
        "created_at": "2023-02-15 16:01:08"
    "status": "generated"


Generate an article

This endpoint allows you to add a article in your generation queue. After that, the article will be available through the List all articles in queue endpoint during the generation process.

After some minutes, your artile will be generated and accessible though List all article endpoint or Retrieve a article.

Required attributes

  • Name

    The keyword you want for the article that will be generated.

    Note: You can also put a sentence or several keywords separated by a comma within the limit of 5 keywords.

  • Name

    The number of H2s you want in your article. It can range from 1 to 10.

    Note: The higher the H2 number, the higher the cost of the article generation.

  • Name

    GPT version that you want to use to generation the article.

    Note: Version supported for now: gpt-3.5-turbo gpt-4

  • Name

    The desired language for the article.

    Note: The list of all languages ​​availables on Jarside is available via this endpoint.

Optional attributes

  • Name

    The title of your article.

    Note: If you have no idea, Jarside will automatically generate a title for you.

  • Name

    If set at true important words will be bolded (surrounded by the tag <strong>)

    Note: This parameter costs 1 additional credit.

  • Name

    The UUID of the website on which you want to publish the generated article.

  • Name

    The UUID of the category on which you want to link the generated article.

    Note: This parameter is taken into account only if you have filled in the website_uuid field.

  • Name

    The date on which you want to publish your article on your website. Example: 2023-02-17T16:09:34.613Z.

    Note: This parameter is taken into account only if you have filled in the website_uuid field.

  • Name

    If set at true the article will be published in draft mode.

    Note: This parameter is taken into account only if you have filled in the website_uuid field.


curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
  --form 'keyword="bmw"' \
  --form 'h2_count="4"' \
  --form 'openai_model="gpt-4"'
  --form 'need_bold="true"' \
  --form 'language="fr"' \
  --form 'title="L'\''histoire de BMW"' \
  --form 'website_uuid="fd127af8-d847-4823-81f4-b6e60433b55e"' \
  --form 'category_uuid="6a17f57f-9ffe-4add-bb2c-2f53e72ed0a1"' \
  --form 'publish_at="2023-02-18T16:10:00.000Z"'
  --form 'draft="true"'


  "article_uuid": "2b507f96-dbbe-4621-90b4-45aeae8ec09c",
  "article_url": "",
  "info": "Your article is on the waiting list. You can check the progression via this url:"